Moderated Usability Research

Project Goals

This research project was conducted to understand how intuitive the GasBuddy application is for a first time user or for a tester that has rarely used it.

The Process

  • 9 users were recruited to perform monitored usability tests.
  • Each user was asked to install the GasBuddy application and then complete 3 tasks on their device.
  • Users were video recorded as they performed each task.
  • Each video session was reviewed and analyzed to determine how each user performed the tasks.
  • If users hesitated or experienced any difficulties it was noted. 
  • All unanticipated actions were then grouped according to area and analyzed for patterns.


The results of the study show that the GasBuddy application is extremely intuitive and easy to use. There are a few areas where additional research could be conducted to answer the following questions:

  • By denying the app access to location services how does it hinder users searching in the app?
  • When searching by location do users experience difficulty in commanding the search?
  • Is user expectation when searching by fuel type to only see stations that have that fuel?
  • What effect does incorrect amenity listings have on users belief in GasBuddy as a quality application?

Lessons Learned

Through user testing and observation you can uncover areas that will improve software functionality.